Hello Everyone,
Welcome to part 2 or our series on "Motorcycle Organizations You Should Know About". We do hope the first article was very informative and enlightening. Yesterday we highlighted Motorcycle Safety Foundation(MSF) and Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments(ABATE). Today we will highlight American Motorcyclist Association(AMA) and our personal favorite Aid to Injured Motorcyclist/National Council of Motorcyclist(AIM/NCOM). Enjoy
Since 1924, the AMA has protected the future of motorcycling and promoted the motorcycle lifestyle. AMA members come from all walks of life, and they navigate many different routes on their journey to the same destination: freedom on two wheels. As the world's largest motorcycling organization, the AMA advocates for motorcyclists' interest in the halls of local, state and federal government, the committees of international governing organizations, and the court of public opinion.
Through member clubs, promoters and partners, the AMA sanctions more motorsports competition and motorcycle recreational events than any other organization in the world. AMA member receive money saving discounts from dozens of well-known suppliers of motorcycle services, gear and apparel, bike rental, transport, hotel stays and more. The AMA is everything motorcycle.
AMA membership is as follow:
Champion $39 a year with free AMA roadside assistance
Defender $49 a year to help protect your right to ride
As an active member of the world's largest motorcycling advocacy organization, you'll receive:
Free AMA Roadside Assistance
Access to money-saving benefits
Monthly Newsletter - American Motorcyclist
Access to more than 3,000 AMA sanctioned road rides and other events
The ability to enter AMA Racing competition events
Discount on motorcycle gear, apparel and equipment
And most importantly the satisfaction that comes with knowing you're helping safeguard the motorcycling lifestyle through the work of AMA watchdogs who ferret out bad motorcycle laws and ensure the future of the sport.
Help safeguard the future of motorcycling.
For more information on the AMA and their membership benefits visit their website.
Aid to Injured Motorcyclist/National Council of Motorcyclist (A.I.M/NCOM) www.aimncom.com A.I.M/NCOM is a nationwide legal services with affiliated law office in every state and Canadian Province to serve the legal needs of the motorcycling community ( All The Lawyers Are Motorcyclist who better to have fighting for your rights). A.I.M. is dedicated towards informing all motorcyclists of their legal rights and help protect and enforce those rights.
A.I.M is 100% Free to all motorcyclist, and there are currently 2 Million A.I.M. Members throughout North America.
This organization is sponsored, completely financed by the Law Offices of Ricard M. Lester(Founder and a Motorcyclist) and is designed to give more complete medical and legal protection to motorcyclists throughout the USA and Canada when involved in an accident. If your are involved in an accident, your A.I.M ID card instructs emergency medical personnel to call the toll free 1-800 ON-A-BIKE Emergency Hotline and the 24 hour A.I.M. operator will relay your critical medical information and will then immediately notify the emergency contact listed on your membership form.
A.I.M. Also provides the following Free Services:
Lifetime Emergency Membership I.D. Card
24-hour Hotline for all emergency medical personnel
Emergency accident notification
24-hour Free Legal Consultation for all accidents throughout North America
Immediate investigation of all accidents
24-hour Criminal Defense phone consultation
In addition to providing medical protection and legal resource, A.I.M. is also the sole financial sponsor of the National Coalition of Motorcyclists. The A.I.M attorney legal fees ( a percentage of your damages only if there is recovery), are equal and in some cases, lower than other attorneys. These fees are in part, donated back to finance N.C.O.M. However, being an A.I.M. member does not obligate you to use any of the A.I.M. attorneys.
The program currently has three main sections:
Consumer Protection - Making roads safe for motorcyclists and creating liability if they're not
Education - Informing the general public of the problems of motorcyclists and continuing the "Know Your Rights" talks and the A.I.M./NCOM legal/legislative newsletter so that all motorcyclists will be aware of their rights and thus, be able to protect them.
And finally, the most important section, Assistance to the Injured Motorcyclist - Volunteers that will go to any motorcyclist that has been involved in an accident, inform him/her of all rights and help in their hour of need.
110 Offices through North America
Free Legal Consultation
No Recovery = No Fee
We Make House Calls
Attorneys In Every State and Province Who Ride
No Fee on Motorcycle Damage Recovery
Also Auto Accidents
Keep your A.I.M. card in your wallet for legal protection any time, anywhere ...
and we hope we never hear from you!
Aid to Injured Motorcyclist - (800) 521-2425 24hour Legal Assistance
Aid to Incarcerated Motorcyclists - (800) 235-2424 24hour Legal Criminal Defense
NCOM is the other half to A.I.M. NCOM has over 1000 motorcycle clubs and organizations. NCOM is not for individual membership but for motorcycle clubs as a whole to join. If you belong to a club then your club should belong to NCOM.
As a member of NCOM you would become part of a nationwide united voice that speaks out to protect the rights of motorcyclists and the the future of motorcycling. Throughout networking with other groups, clubs and associations, we can strengthen our political clout and become more aware and educated int he process.
In addition to networking valuable information and experience, your group would have access to a databank of motorcycle information, legal and legislative services, discrimination protection, speaker program, loan program, safety projects, public awareness and promotional assistance. Your group would be invited to attend the Annual NCOM Convention, the Annual Board of Directors meeting and regional meetings. Your group's input could help chart a new course for bikers rights in America.
All we ask in return is that you ensure that each member of your organization receives a free Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) emergency ID care. Unlike other associations, NCOM is not supported by membership dues and does not solicit funds from member groups or individuals. All operating costs are paid through the A.I.M. nationwide network of attorneys who are the sole financial support for NCOM. A.I.M. attorneys contribute a significant portion of their legal fees from motorcycle accident cases back into motorcycling by providing all funding for NCOM...a way of recycling money from motorcycling back into motorcycling.
The National Coalition of Motorcyclist would be a stronger voice with your organization's participation.
For more information please go to their website and the other organizations we have featured in this two part series and make an informed decision.